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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

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Thursday, August 2, 2012

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Phoenix thirty-six child all out sporadic activities in various places of the planet, one hundred pull Eagle disciples a back to the branch, and then nine days large array start. Happened that simple peach door assistance, the individual master nfl and awfully mad God yourself.
This time out, nfl refused the help of Yan Zi camp, strong curiosity awfully mad God does not keep out not, he certainly welcome. Ou bud drilling with two small and a TRW Night Long Park, It is worth mentioning is that the hill the stone of this followed the dragon and phoenix guard dispatched their practice since the first use in actual combat.
After the end of the mission, the hill is small Shixin Xi back, stone-hi said: next time you encounter such a thing, you directly to the task to me and hills. See nfl fixed look, a cool hill busy Road: Reaction after the stone surprised a moment over, busy Road: the nfl smiled Anzan the two clever, nodded and said: you carried away because this score, then it let me be too disappointed. Hill stone two busy Road: Awfully mad god unhappy and said: Yao Tong could not help but smile,nordstrom north face jackets, that interfere with others lessons of their own disciples, only awfully mad godless people, laughing: Tianwei disagree mad God said: The Eagle Villa will be dealt with water green door, and now their situation and Eagle Branch, but will people since closed, nfl must be good show, and Eagle Hill , nfl hope they have the opportunity to out of this opportunity to see they are not at the time was diligently practicing, put down the heart of the fame and fortune.
nfl smiles: Yao Tong nodded and said: We rush to one hundred pull the planet east, awfully mad god mouth back and rest, but still followed, he now understood nfl quite sure why the mention of the Eagle Hill, and also understand Quan Li on the planet if the nfl and hold him out, he never have a chance, and heart to produce a lot of emotion, the first time cast doubt on his arrogant nature. Sometimes a repair does not repair a little lower. nfl is a living example of the nfl the repair is lower than his, but he was in the nfl front, it is not necessary

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

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